English Language and Literature

This course brings together literary and linguistic study in an integrated approach to English. It includes the unique opportunity to compare literary texts with non-literary texts and analyse literary texts from a linguistic perspective. The course is designed around some key themes including ‘Remembered Places’, ‘Imagined Worlds’, ‘Poetic Voices’ and ‘Exploring Conflict’. These topics encompass the study of all three literary genres, poetry, prose and drama, as well as non-fiction texts. Students will develop their analytical and creative writing skills in response to these texts. The course is divided into three main areas: Telling Stories, Exploring Conflict, and Making connections. This qualification is linear, which means that students will sit all of their exams at the end of the 2 year course.

The study of English Language and Literature will enable you to:

English Language and Literature can be linked successfully with most other subjects. The most obvious links are with Media Studies, Humanities and Social Sciences, but equally many students enjoy studying this course alongside the Sciences or Maths. Students would not pair this with another English course.

English Language and Literature is a respected subject, valued by universities and employers alike. Opportunities available to you following this course are career paths in publishing, journalism, advertising, librarianship, plus media and communication roles.


The A Level is assessed via two written exams and a coursework (or Non-exam Assessment) folder:

Paper 1—Telling Stories—3 hours, 40% of A Level.

Paper 2—Exploring conflict—2 hrs 30 mins, 40% of A Level.

Non-Exam Assessment - Making connections, 20% of A Level, 2500-3000 words. This is an individual investigation that explores a theme in a literary and a non-fiction text. Students choose their own texts and theme.